Corporate Secretarial Services

We provide a comprehensive range of services relating to setting up the operations of a corporate business entity including Business Establishment Services and ‘Regular Compliance Services’.
Our team consists of Company Secretaries, Chartered Accountants, Advocates and labour law consultants based in Delhi, Mumbai and Uttar Pradesh who are providing consulting services to clients to set up and manage their business in compliance with regulatory requirements across India. This unique mixture of company secretaries and lawyers has enabled Saras to be recognised as one of the best corporate law and secretarial practice firms in India.
Apart from being a statutory requirement, the corporate secretarial services can help you guide through the changes and challenges, and eventually easing your managerial burden and allowing you to focus on operating your business in a fully complied way.
Scope of Our Corporate Secretarial Services Includes:-
Business Set-Up Services
We provide end-to-end advisory service regarding the most suitable form of organization, based on the client’s specific needs and objectives.
The form of businesses are as follows:
- Public Company
- Private Company
- One Person Company
- Section 8 Company (NGOs)
- Producer Company
- Nidhi Company
- Limited Liability Partnerships
- Proprietorship Firm
- Trust (NGOs)
- Partnership Firms

The Business set-up services include:
- Incorporation and setting up of all types of Companies (under the Companies Act, 2013).
- Setting up of LLP in India;
- Setting up of Singapore Company under the Laws of Singapore;
- Creating a business setup in India through a branch or liaison office;
- Obtaining statutory approvals and licenses for commencement of the business from local, municipal, state and Central Government Authorities;
- Issuance of share certificates and Payment of stamp duty on share certificates.
- We provide advisory services for secretarial compliances to a Company on both ongoing and retainer basis, as per the requirement of the client.
Note: We provide services with regards to all types of compliances of Public Company, Private Company, One Person Company, Nidhi Company, Foreign Subsidary, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), NBFC Companies.
Retainer Secretarial Services
We provide ongoing retainer secretarial services including post incorporation compliances as well as routine nature of work in order to carry on the business with complying the law fulfilment.
The retainership services majorly include:
- Convening Board Meetings both physically or via Video Conferencing for a Company and circulating minutes.
- Organising Annual General Meetings for a Company.
- Filing of annual accounts and undertaking all the statutory filings.
- Maintenance and keeping of statutory registers and minute books.
- Assistance in the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility in compliance with the provisions of the Companies Act 2013.
- Assistance in the compliances relating to constitution of Board of Directors, Independent Directors, Women Directors, small shareholders Directors, Audit Committee, Remuneration and Grievance Committee.
- Time to time updation of new requirements of Laws.

Event Based Secretarial Services
We provide Event Based Secretarial Services based upon client requirement, which do arises, as and when business grow or wish to receive investment from the Angel Investors or others.
The some instances of event based secretarial services includes.
- Convening and holding extraordinary shareholder meetings connected with event-based activities and project work and circulating minutes.
- Assistance in major the constitutional changes in the Companies such as change of Company name, registered offices, business objects, financial year increase/decrease of registered share capital or any other change as required from time to time.
- Conducting due diligence on a company or generating any other specific search reports in respect of the Companies as required from time to time.
- Maintenance and keeping of statutory registers and minute books.
- Incorporation of any group company, branch establishments, project office.
- Providing complete company advisory and transactional services for reconstruction, reorganization and winding up of companies.
- Assistance in the share transfers and share issues in the form of Private placement/Right Issues/Sweat Equity/ESOPs etc.
- Preparation and filing of financial statement and other documents in the form of XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language).
- Assistance in registration/modification or satisfaction of Charge.
Closure of Company/ Organisation(Strike Off/ Winding Up)
The client does not wish to continue with the operations of the Company and wish to close the affairs of the Company, we provide end to end services to the clients and evaluate the option of Voluntarily Strike off under the Companies Act, 2013 or winding up under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 based upon requirement of the Companies Act, 2013.
Revival of Company –
We also provide appearances before the Tribunal for the purpose of Winding up of the Company or for the Revival of the Company through NCLT which has been struck off by the Registrar.

Trademark/ Brand Name Registration
A trademark is a visual symbol that can be a word, name, numbers, label, color combination, etc used by business to distinguish it’s services or products from other same goods or services which are made in different business. Trademarks in India are listed by the Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. Trademarks are registered under the Trademark Act, 1999 and give the trademark owner the power to sue for losses when infringements of trademarks happen.
We do provide following services related to Brand Name registration.
- Trademark Registration
- Reply to Objection of Trademark
- Assignment of Trademark
- Renewal of Trademark
- Appearance before Trademark authority
Get your Trademark registered under the Trademarks Act through us.

Valuation (Registered Valuation and SEBI Merchant Banker Valuation)
We are associated with Registered Valuers (Asset Class Securities & Financial Assets) in order to do valuation of equity shares, IBC Cases and Intangibles (Brand Valuation), Valuation of Stock Inventory .
We also provide SEBI Merchant Banker Reports in order to comply with Income Tax requirements.