Other Legal Matters & Drafting

CAT & Service Matters
Our CAT & Service Matters Lawyers cater all litigation arising in Government and private service in Supreme court. Our lawyers also solve Service Matters in Delhi NCR and Uttar Pradesh & Uttrakhand.
In addition to the above mentioned work we also solve all the service issues listed in the courts. Above all, we have expertise in the Industrial Disputes Act. Particularly, Our Firm Lawyers in Delhi NCR and Uttar Pradesh & Uttarakhand solve all Illegal dismissal mattress.
- Best Service Matters Lawyers in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh & Uttrakhand.
- Leading service matters Senior Advocates in Delhi NCR and Uttar Pradesh & Uttrakhand

Our lawyers are well experienced in both courtroom litigation and negotiations; our service matters advocates provide bold legal representation of employees and workmen. Our leading edge is representation of fighters and justice seekers regularly and successfully before all levels of legal forums and courts –
Supreme Court of India;
- High Court at Delhi and Allahabad & Lucknow bench.
- District Courts in Delhi, Ghaziabad , Noida and Allahabad.
- Central Administrative Tribunal, Delhi and Allahabad.
Our service matters lawyers have the knowledge, the depth, and the resources to provide you relief and handle the most distinct range of employment and labour matters. We work hard ourselves to guarantee our service matters to clients best available remedy in the law.
Labour and Employment
Labor Law is normally but erroneously understood as the law that governs a particular kind of relationship, namely the relationship of (subordinate) employment. Such an approach yields insuperable definitional problems, invites strategic manipulation, and risks obsolescence of the field.
Labor law should instead be understood as the set of techniques and practices for intervention into particular kinds of markets, specifically, markets that will reach sub optimum results without such interventions, because individual actors cannot overcome collective action problems. While the techniques and practices vary with legal systems, they normally include devices for permitting collective actors to negotiate and agree; special institutions to encourage informal and formal bargaining and resolve disputes; and legally-set minimum terms. While these practices were first developed for intervening into employment markets, their value is not limited to such markets and they may be usefully employed in others.

The firm provides complete legal assistance including the advice, regulatory compliance and drafting of employment contracts and related policies. The firm represents its clients, which includes trade unions, employers and employees, before the authorities, tribunals, High Court and the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. Further, the firm also provides drafting of Application, Petition, Appeal, Representation or any document.
Drafting and Conveyance
Every business and commercial activity creates a contractual relationship between the parties and attracts the Law of contract and Law of enforcement thereto. The Firm ensures while drafting or in vetting of the contracts that the interest of its clients are safeguarded.
The Firm undertakes all sorts of legal drafting inter alia Agreement for sale, Deed of Conveyance, Mortgage Deed, Lease Deeds, Gift Deeds, exchange of Property deeds, Trust Deeds, Partition deeds, Leave and License Agreements, Ownership of Flats and Development Agreements, Arbitration Agreements, Copyright/ Patents/ Trademark/ Industrial Designs License Agreements, Hire-Purchase Agreements, Bailment, Pledge, Agency Agreements, Service Contracts, Partnership Agreements, Building Agreements, Foreign Collaboration Agreements, Joint Venture Agreements, Consultant Agreements, Employment Agreements, Memorandum of Understanding, Vendor Agreements, Franchise Agreements, Advertisement Agreements, Sponsorship Agreements, Transport contracts, Non-Disclosure Agreements, Software Development Agreements, Software Technology Agreements, Software License Agreements, Shipping Agreements, Risk Management Policies, Business Continuity Planning Policies, Encryption Policies, Privacy Policies, Testamentary Documents- Will, Articles of Association and Memorandum of Association of Companies, Power of Attorney, Adoption Deeds.